I have been reading through lists of coinfections symptoms but nothing pops out as divinities for me but I suspect them. Igenex tested neg.
And when I read thru posts from this forum it seems as though there are a few things that people consider coinfections symptoms that aren't on the lists. For example: really nervous and twitchy ... Symptoms in the head... Headaches in certain areas....
What I'm asking are there any clues to confection that don't make the standard lists? Any inside advice? I've been infected twice ... Odds are in favor of coinfections....
I guess I'll add some of my questionable symptoms
not all symptoms! Just ones that make me think of babs and Bart ...)
I had drenching night sweats at the begging for four nights ( ten+ years ago - does that count as coinfections sweats or just Lyme?
At one point I had burning hot toes and feet
I noticed an increase of red pinpoint pet his dots on body that are still there.
Horrible month long headaches at begging ... Lots of head and neck pain...
Man unfortunately I could go on and on.....
anks for your knowledge sharing!