So I saw a new llmd this week 2hr round trip as opposed to 5 hr round trip.She has totally changed my protocol, still on a yeast free sugar free diet but instead of just tetracycline. Im on Doxy, planquenil, biaxin and malrone and in 3 months or so I will be on rifamprin for my bart. Im slowly working my way up to all 4 abx. Plus herbal tinctures for bab,bart and cognease for mental clarity, plus daily detox and blouke(sp). She was really positive because I haven't been ill for very long, less than a year. I have to do monthly bloodwork now as opposed to never doing bloodwork from the other guy. This dr had lyme and bart and was treated by the dr H in NY so she has taken his protocol along with ILADS. Im feeling really up beat and positive.Since adding plaquenil i have had more leg weakness and some arm burning and face burning starting yesterday my 2nd day on it so i figure it's a little herx?