righthand said...
I have two daughters with Lyme disease. One who was treated at Hansa successfully and doing well. I have another one just recently diagnosed who we are hoping to also get to Hansa, but that may take several weeks or months. Her test came back from Igenex, and it seems to show it is a new infection, although she has had symptoms for several months to a couple years - shortly after her second child. She will be seeing a LLMD here who is going to put her on antibiotics. But the LLMD is extremely booked, and it will be a while to get in for her appointment. So, we haven't been able to really discuss these test results. I wonder if someone in the forum can help shed some light on them. Again, we are confused because symptoms have been going on for a long while. Her results are as follows:
Western Blot IgM
23-25 ++
39 +
41 ++
83-93 +
Positive for Igenex and CDC/NYS
Western Blot IgG
41 +
Negative for both Igenex and CDC/NYS
Are we interpreting this correct - that it is a new infection; and, is it possible to have results like this if you feel you've had symptoms for several months or so? I appreciate any thoughts you may share. Thank you!!
Hi righthand - welcome to our community!
Oh yah..she's positive with those bands. Not only Igenex but CDC positive.
So as far as IgM meaning a new infection...that isn't necessarily so.
In most diseases, the IgM will come up first, early on...and then a few weeks later seroconvert to IgG. But in Lyme disease...that often doesn't happen. IgM will persist for months to years.
If you want to read about
it, click on this link - LLMD Dr. J. explains it well.
jemsekspecialty.com/laboratory-testing-for-lyme-disease/So, IgM positive plus symptoms = active lyme disease...but not necessarily a 'new' infection.
We encourage all new members to read through the thread at the top of the page titled: "New to Lyme"..Start Here!" It's packed full of useful information.