Posted 8/17/2017 7:38 PM (GMT 0)
Hi I was wondering if you guys could send me the list as well. I live in Bellevue near Seattle
I do not have a diagnosis. I failed CDC approved test given to me by an infectious disease specialist at Virgina mason Hospital. I keep getting positive ANA tests for Scleroderma and Lupus. But the Scleroderma specialist says I do not have that. f I believe both my daughter and myself are suffering from long-term lyme and babesia. We have most of the symptoms. Also, before moving to the Seattle area I lived in Philadelphia in a high rise by an urban forest that I recently found out was next to a tick collection site to study Lyme in Pennsylvania. My dog was successfully treated for lyme after my vet recommend putting him to sleep and instead, a I contacted a rescue and they told me that we lived in a hotspot and recommended insisting that the vet give my dog a very specific antibiotic .
Also I was wondering if all the doctors do not accept insurance?
I have been recovering from Stage IV inflammatory breast cancer, and my daughter has been unsuccessfully treated by various specialists referred to by her doctor. As as result of that fact and a high insurance deductible, and because at the moment we are no longer a two income family, I can no longer afford many of the LLMD rates. I had been been having success doing the buhner protocol, but both of us have difficulty swallowing, got sick taking alcohol tinctures ( we have digestive issues) and many of the glycerites I made were not strong enough, so we have had many set backs.
I think I could continue to successfully treat myself, but I feel like I am am over my head with regards to my daughter. I had hoped that she could return to school this fall, but I could not make it happen.
I hope I did not post too much. Thanks for reading