pugmom1 said...
Sigh, i knew my intuitions were dead on! My 7 year old daughter who I've pulled 3 ticks off is igenex and cdc positive for a current infection with lyme and my husbands bartonella fish was positive just like mine was. He was lyme negative but was indeterminate on so many bands, most of them lyme specific. So the whole family is positive for tick born infections. Husband doesn't have symptoms but my llmd is concerned about him reinfecting me once I get better and my daughter has just started having some mild symptoms so Im glad we caught this now but im so angry at the state of Vermont for being so far behind on this! The only thing im worried about is treating my daughter. My llmd likes doing herbals with kids but im not sure im comfortable with that. I already have an appointment for my daughter with the other llmd in the area for a 2nd opinion but i dont see her till march 20th!
Perhaps your husband may just want to some herbs that keeps his immune function up. At some point, he could develop symptoms.
As far as reinfection, well they've got barriers for that 😊.