Since I didn't properly introduce myself (I just got right into it) here goes: (I'll sign each post with this so people can comment)
IgG via IgeneX 31-IND, 41++, 58+
IgM via IgeneX 31+, 41-IND
HSV1, CMV (like most adults over 40 except mine are active and not asymptomatic)
current symptoms: night sweats, depression, insomnia, restless leg syndrome, sleep apnea, vascular pain in both armpits, multiple migrating neuropathic myalgias, tachychardia, high blood pressure, emotional lability irritability, sore spot on head
tick bite over 10 years ago with Erythema Migrans rash inner thigh mt. biking tick area
outdoorsy athletic person most of my life, likely have other co-infections just haven't found them all yet.
Post Edited (borrelioburgdorferii) : 2/28/2017 1:33:10 AM (GMT-7)