It is hard on friends and family too - but that usually is because they don't understand. We can help those that wish to understand more to understand more, but some have no desire to and you just have to let them be. You can't change that you have these infections right away, and you can't force them to change their minds about
the whole thing either. I've struggled with this for my entire life.
Here are some things you can try though:
Watching "Under Our Skin" with them
My link for this is suddenly no longer working, so I'm looking for a good link now.
I've not used this site before, so use caution, but the movie seems to be the real one, although you do have to register for a free account. Or, do a search for the movie.
So you know someone with Chronic Lyme disease:
" Dear Family of a Lyme Disease patient "
/ Ten Things you can do for someone with Lyme
/ Things To Know When Someone In Your Life Has Lyme Disease
/ do hope this helps. Anyone with a chronic health condition will generally loose friends, particularly when it lasts and lasts, but any that stick with you, are really incredible people usually. Most all of my friends have or have had these infections, as they are the only ones that are accepting of my "here now, gone in a minute" routines that I simply can't help.