Most of the articles that would prove much of what we need to prove are not free access articles - they are held by organizations like this article, where you have to pay to read it. So your doctor would likely have access to better articles than say, I do, as I simply can't afford to pay for each and every article that I woudl like/need to read.
This is an excerpt that I found though:
"When Romero (2009) fed bed bugs Borrelia hermsii, an etiological agent of relapsing fever, he
found that spirochetes persisted in the gut.."
In this article: Most research seems to point to that the bed bugs must be infected and then pass the infection on in less than 24 hours - which is possible, even if unlikely. What we need now is more research though.
Here is one study that was done and says this in their conclusion about
Borrelia Hermesii (tick borne relapsing fever), which is the only strain that I can find studies on right now:
"In conclusion, B. hermsii spirochetes that were orally-ingested by bed bugs persisted in gut content or insect body for up to one day. These observations provide evidence that B. hermsii may be present in the body of bed bugs for up to 24 h if this bacterium has been ingested while feeding on an infected human or animal host. These results raise the question about
the potential for transmission of this disease agent by bed bugs. Our results suggest that the bed bug is an improbable vector for this spirochete.
While the pathogen was detected in feces for 24 h, defecation would likely only occur on the original bacteremic host because only one meal is required for satiation. Similarly, a crushed bed bug would only be infective if it fed and then moved to an uninfected host within 24 h. Because bed bugs will feed a second time only after a minimum of 4 days, and the bacteria only persists in the bed bug or its feces for less than 2 d, transmission from host to host seems unlikely. " 119