Started IV Rocephin 2 yrs ago - couldn't walk (hip, knee joints inflamed and painful, couldn't support weight or walk), among several other Lyme sx. I went undiagnosed 16+ years.
By about
1 month after starting Rocephin, was able to walk again although I had a lot of trouble getting up to optimal dose (took almost a year). Have also had complications w/ bart and babs, GI, thyroid, detoxing and several other issues that have delayed progress.
Have made progress w/ Lyme sx to about
85% recovery. Started final phase of biofilm busting in Dec., which released additional pockets of infection, have continued treating w/ full protocol and made good recovery and hoping to be done w/ abx in a month or two.
See a lot more info on IV abx here, if this is what you're considering: