4.16.17 In The Lyme Light (no pun intended) My Story and the crazy journey of..... (in short...for now...)
"The Short Version of My Long Lyme Story"
Long story short, I've been feeling sick for a decade about
. but in the past 3 years it got the worst. I was diagnosed with "Graves Disease" first, 2 years ago, when my husband and I moved to Colorado (Telluride) to try and find better financial making opportunities because life kept cyclically going wack, for years of course, but was just getting worse. As soon as we got there within 2 months I lost 50 pounds and starting having even worse turning into massive stomach problems, GURD, IBS, you name it, and puking at least 10 times a day as soon as I'd wake up. (Although I didn't have the energy I use to-snowboard for 6 hours a day when I was a teenager- I could at least still go for 1-2 hours before I was completely exhausted--this was two years ago now)
(**Note---At this time We started to eat more healthily but, it wasn't the complete transition I've gotten myself into now)
Ive had two seizures and one stroke type thing that happened, and come November after trying a powerhouse 20 day juicing recipe (beets, celery, ginger, carrots, ect) well I didn't know I was suppose to drink small amounts all day. So for 20 days I was pounding cup after cup of alkaline juice, and just kept feeling foggier and stupider, and in more pain. I went from having straight A's in college for 17 months to an instant disconnection and F that November. Ive been going back at it hard. But I've had to take 2 classes over already, it depends . I'll get into that later.
After trying Doxycycline when I was tested for lyme (FINALLY! a doctor finally had the brilliant idea to test me for it....{since I'm from New England----first doc to EVER suggest a test---hmm?! Imagine THAT?!} Worst part is ---why didn't I THINK OF THAT??! Grr!) and I finally tested positive early November.
At first the doxy seemed to help for a few days. then it ripped my body a new one. In December I decided to quit all alcohol and cigarettes because every time I'd drink ANYTHING in ANY amount id feel worse the next day and all acidy and death like--and continued to try to make the 30 days, but I only got to 21. I had clearly had enough. Also during all of this I have had this cm sized lump continue to grow on the top of my pinky. >:| Come the end of December, a week after finishing what i did of the doxy into the new year, it left me basically, completely crippled. My husband had to come rescue me, get my in a tub of my mineral salts, I couldn't even hardly hold my toothbrush all of me was so arthritic and locked up. I started then massively researching suppressed info and things to to to help, as much as I can (to help myself) until i find a mentor/doctor (the right one and kind that is understanding). I COMPLETELY eliminated all foods, that have any allergens. Because with the rashes, the constant candida and problems my body has been screaming at me to fix, I knew wheat, eggs, and crap food were a mega factor. So I stared the Buhners Protocol along with an autoimmune/paleo type of diet. EVERYTHING I eat now, has NO or little sugar, (Lara bars are really good here and there I feel like I am getting to eat a cake and it is so rewarding lol) everything is organic or at least has a non gmo verified label. I mostly eat organic chicken and beef loaded with garlic and onions and herbs, no dairy, no acidic foods whatsoever. Although I did try and egg the other day, my fingers turned into red bloated on fire sausages. I hear quail eggs are good for lymies. But I'm still really nervous to try. I eat a little bit of fruit and alot of kale Brussel sprouts, avocados, cashews, i use organic coconut oil and butter and milk and water for EVERYTHING and almost milk unsweetened. a small cup of organic black coffee with organic stevia in the am so I don't have to carry around the half dead all day, sometimes adding almond milk. (Yum...) lots of beets and mushrooms- lemon juice to help with herxing-
as far as my herxing and detox-- I wont put my whole regimen on here now unless you email me and ask. I am drinking half my weight in ounces everyday, about
70 ounces plus. But most importantly I will say, the herbs I researched and started 6 weeks ago as well as the food medicine, bone broth, as well as the yoga, is helping so immensely, I've been able to put my rings back on, the swelling isn't half as often, i am up walking around and somehow managed a 2 mile walk last week when in December i couldn't even put my snowboard boots on!!
They are antimicrobial/anti fungal, as well as oxygen drops and chlorrella and adaptagenic herb like eleurthero to help crap cling to stool and move out the body as you detox------(tmi?--no shame here)
I'll post a link here of a good regimen I started with before I started adding more to it. But man, He Shou Wu is AMAZING!!! FOR EVERYBODY!! Even my brittle type 1 diabetic husband who has had high to low sugar issues for a decade, his sugar has been constantly running low the past couple weeks of only taking a few drops a day. I don't know if what Im taking is enough. but it seems to be helping little by little. I also added a new supplement of something that is a jellyfish oil extract? It makes your brain work 50% better? I will post that link also.
Its a miracle my brain is even working good enough to type a sentence right now. And if you have what I have you know how evil that little mind prison box can be when you're locked in it. So I'm splurging out on the writing now while my mind is working good!
ANYWAY--Where I'm at now is trying to build up a more stable endurance or atleast have some more stable days I wake up with out ax cutting pain or my body being on temporary fire in different parts.
So, my question in this post is---
What do you have? How can we help eachother or how can I help you?
What have you found works best for you?
Are Iv antibiotics good to mix with herbs?
Do antibiotics have to be used for chronic lyme no matter what to beat the spirochetes out of the body?
So much to learn, so much to know!!!