I don't know how I will ever get through this over the top anxiety.
Blood pressure is 198/91 and heart rate over 100. I had to double my blood pressure meds over a year ago and it wasn't anxiety that caused the spike back then.
I am at a loss on what to do. I am seeing a functional chiropractic doc for my methylation issues but that is not going very well. I have many snps but when he introduces a supplement it doesn't go very well. I have spent a bit of money on this problem and now I don't trust him. I think my pathways were
opening up too fast? He would get upset if I cut to lower doses to start. I still have a hard time figuring out the methylation issues because my brain just does not want to function. Anyway, I may be dropping out of this treatment but need to know what supplements to take for the mthfr and cbs problems.
I need to know if this anxiety is from the diseases which I think is the case. Is it more Lyme or Bart? When you treated Lyme did your anxiety decrease or did you eventually find out it was bart causing it all along? I hope I am making sense.
It seems to me that Buhner's tinctures can tend to cause anxiety until things settle down. Have you found this is the case?
How long did it take for your anxiety to settle down and what treatment do you think helped?
I have such bad thoughts of ending it all right now and this is scary. I seriously do not know how long I can do this. The only thing keeping me going is needing to care for my husband but I think I am more of a hindrance than supportive even though he doesn't think so. I am finding no relief whatsoever.
My worst symptoms are: of course the anxiety, insomnia setting in, difficulty breathing, especially when upping the tinctures, EXTREME blurry/double vision, at times fatigue (not happening while in this wild state right now), depressive thoughts, racing heart (not worried about
it), head pressure and not feeling I am of this world. Of course there are many others but I can deal with those (chills or feeling warm, no appetite, decreased hearing, photosensitivity, tremors, not integrating information, occasional balance problems, sinus problems with a bit of mucus production, rage, and many others). Never had foot pain, lymph node problems, bone/joint pain.
I have been off antibiotics for at least a year except for adding in the occasional doxycycline. LLMD won't treat until I get the methylation pathways working. Duh!!!! Will only give me the doxy.
I really don't know what I am asking but any thoughts would be appreciated. I sound like a broken record.