In short I knew this was going to happen, so I prepared for it with time off from work, psychologist appointments, etc. But it is still a nightmare. I'm a 27 year male who has been getting treated for chronic lyme for almost 8 months now by an LLMD.
I had tried to take this treatment for babesia in the past (Clarithromycyn, Plaquenil, Artemesia+) and it knocked me down hard. So with my winter job ended, now is the time I'm following through with it pretty much no matter what.
The last two days especially I feel like my blood is on fire and although exhausted I feel super super anxious with periods of acute depression (everything makes me sentimental and sad, and I cannot stop my mind from going into hyperdrive)(All I can do is sit up and rock back and forth for hours at a time) Other side effects have been Nausea, Night Sweats, Dizziness, Skin Tingling, and some muscle soreness in the chest and neck. I can get through those but this toxic anxiety, boiling blood feeling is the worst.
Wondering if anyone else has felt this way while treating babesia and how long it lasted for. Looking for a light at the end of this god awful tunnel.
Much Thanks
Post Edited By Moderator (Traveler) : 5/1/2017 11:08:13 AM (GMT-6)