Pirouette et al,
I usually posted in another forum, and here in Europe, people are craaazy for drugs: they love them, stick mostly only to them, believe only on them.
I can see here people are more
Some stick to drugs, because there is no other option- Well, I guess this is more than fine!
But no drug corrects the basic immune problem that CAUSES many chronic diseases, in my opinion.
While many people can stick to drugs to heal ONE DISEASE, such as lyme, we cannot, because we are bitten the whole time by these nasty ticks.
We live in the middle of tick land, and ticks love biting us.
Just a few minutes ago I pulled at least 8 ticks, fully attached to my cat. All sizes, from very young, almost black, to the middle sized (sort of light brown) to bigger. Only nymphs were missing!
She was scratching herself in the kitchen, and I saw something flying to the other side.
What was it? A disgusting HUGE engorged tick!!!
Believe me, the tick could still walk on the kitchen floor, despite its huge size.
I use repellents on her, and I have the impression, every year, we need stronger repellents.
Before they worked, now I think I need to change it again.
Doesn't it sound like lyme? Before, a couple of antibiotics could deal with the disease, and today, not anymore.
Now it looks like my cat's got no repellent at all!! Before, she caught less ticks with that same repellent!
Two days ago, I pulled my tick number 2 this year. Not fully engorged, but with its head fully inside.
It was on my shoulder, on my back, and everyone home was sleeping, so I had to pull it off myself.
Of course, the head remained inside..... If someone pulls it, they know they have to twist the tweezers counter clock wise....
That is how I sometimes step on engorged ticks inside my house (in the places where I allow the cat to come in). I always think someone dropped a blueberry... It's truly disgusting, but that is our lovely life in the country side, in beautiful Switzerland.
We have contact with ticks the whole time.
Drugs are out for us, or we have to live forever on drugs.
Our guts, allergy problems etc, do not allow us to live on drugs forever. It takes very little for my daughter to develop and allergy to anything. So our life has been a hell due to rotating diets, foods, avoidance of all chemicals possible (no cleaning products except for soap, vinegar, alcohol, baking soda, stuff like that).
I WISH sincerely, that a drug or cocktail of drugs would allow us to live in tick land, being constantly bitten, fight lyme disease and future infections!
There is unfortunately not such a drug, nor cocktail of drugs that would allow us to keep living where we are.
As for the gut, Pirouette is right: many too many reasons for chronic diseases there.
But if any of you ever fought SEVERAL FOOD ALLERGIES seriously and other chemical sensitivities, you would avoid anything that could slightly damage the gut.
No one can convince me a few expensive probiotic pills can replace the hundreds (or thousands) of different strains in the gut to prevent future chronic infections and chronic allergies.
the gut is even harder to heal than lyme, in my experience.
consider yourselves lucky if your thoughts are not on digestion, candida, allergies every single day!