BJD55 said...
Thanks for the story Pirouette. I think we've been similarly affected by these bugs when it comes to the endo, anxiety, and gut issues. I'm glad the vanco is treating you well. Is there any need to bother with the a-bart again?
I was thinking that the agitation I feel from the herbs couldn't be a herx, but am coming around to the reality that it is. I want to get busy knocking this back as I've only been nibbling around the edges of it with artemesinin and failed attempts at a-bab and buhner herbs that freak me out with agitation and anxiety.
If the mc-bab-2 causes the same herx as I increase dose, it looks like I'm gonna have to cowboy up a bit to get through this, or try some Valium.
I recently experienced the agitation as well from my treatments - for me it was a mushroom mix meant to boost the immune system, but I had tried it twice and the agitation was so much that I just couldn't continue it - until I increased my anti-inflammatories, and increased my detoxing just a little bit more. I've managed to not only stay on it, but I've been able to inch my dosage up a little bit too.
Just something I thought I'd mention, as it helped me a lot.