Traveler said...
Hi Murto, in one of your first posts you said that you live in the Czech republic and that there are no LLMD's there. Are you seeking other forms of treatment yet? If not, I would encourage you to do so. There are different ways to treat these infections other than using a LLMD and pharma abx. Maybe it's time to look into those ways?
I would agree that Bart and Babs should be on your 'radar' and, by association, Lyme as well. It's common for those infections to be present together.
The pictures you posted look like those are from either scratching yourself, or from Bartonella though. So, if you didn't scratch yourself there, you really do need to get into treatment.
Thank you guys,
I'm going to visit my local GP tomorrow. It doesn't look like scratch actually, because it seems to be under the skin and something similar appeared months ago (also in my left underarm). I also have aching soles, especially when I'm walking for a while, but I'm not really sure if it's related, because I used to have problems with my soles when I was like thirteen. Sometimes I have feeling in my muscles like getting a cramp. Right now in my left tricep muscle and my left bicep hurt as well a little bit (the same arm where are the scratches). The red dots I have sometimes are totally flat...they also seems to be under the skin and they are not grouped together. It's only one or two little red dots on the arm, another two or three somewhere else etc.. I'm also bruising on my arms quite easily and generally have my skin sensitive and not really well healing. I've read somewhere that facial palsy could be the sign of Lyme disease and I had it three or four years ago.