For bartonella...usually Rifampin is needed for Bartonella - unless one of the fluoroquinolones is used (Cipro or Levaquin) BUT they come with Blsck Box warning - and don't know if LLMD's prescribe that class to Peds patients. They are sometimes used as a last resort only because of the serious risks. Personally, I wouldn't take any of the Fluoro's.
So she doesn't have a good detox regimen going?
I'd like to suggest that you start adding in detox methods - one at a time...and gradually increase so she is doing multiple methods daily:
Is she drinking enough water?
In addition to probiotics, she should be taking a liver support supplement.
Something to remove toxins from her brain would be a good addition:
Nutramedix Pinella - Brain/Nerve Cleanse OR Jernigan's Neuro-Antitox II - CNS/PNS are a couple options.
- A binder to remove toxins from her stomach/gut
Here is a link to a list of detox ideas: