So my mom is taking a week off from the antibiotics this week to let her body recover a little bit. Next week she will go to 3 days/week instead of the 5 that she was at. Her talking seems to be getting worse, which is scary. She has been coughing a lot the last couple of days so the nursing home ordered a chest X ray.
She does have some fluid on her lungs, but not enough to be concerned as far an pneumonia goes. They want to put her on morphine and a high dose of anxiety medicine. This makes no sense to me. For one, my mom has to be careful what pain meds she takes because some can suppress breathing, morphine being one. For two, how is morphine going to help her breathing??
It almost seems like they are just saying screw it and are trying to make her comfortable, but my mom has not asked for that yet. Idk what to do anymore. We see no changes other than maybe her getting worse. I did ask them to do another Lyme test just because I am interested to see what it would say at this point. Blah. When does life stop sucking?