I can't speak to antibiotics, but jaw, tooth and sinus pain and pressure have been ongoing for me. It does intensify during a herx. I was recently muscle tested. This showed bartonella in my mouth, liver and spine (CNS). No surprise. I have started an oral probiotic and will be introducing oil pulling and ozone injections in my jaw (gums) in the next few weeks. This could induce an interesting herx. My dentist may also use biomagnetism. As with all things Lyme, it's a guess how best to treat this, but my dentist is ready to throw everything she can at it so I don't incur bone loss and tooth decay.
I also have quite a few visual anomalies (floaters, snow, stars, tracers, etc). Basically, my entire head has problems (my siblings would love to see that in writing
). I'm learning it's all par for the course. As I've been treating, I have gotten some relief and even had a few glorious days with no head pressure or visual floaters. So there's definitely light at the end of the tunnel (actual light, not some figment of my bartonella brain).