if u develop fever, then THAT is a good sign. before treatment i was not able to raise my body temperature to achieve fever, not even when very sick with flu ... but that is well known now, u don't even develop immunity when vaccinated if u have lyme. after 1.5yrs i started to get fever during flu times, and chills(!) i've never had fever with chills in like 5 years prior to that.
"Moreover, influenza vaccine antigens, when applied during Borrelia-infection, failed to induce strong antibody responses and immune-protection from influenza challenge. This data illustrate the potent, if temporal, immune suppression induced by Borrelia-infection. "
journals.plos.org/plospathogens/article?id=10.1371/journal.ppat.1004976So this explains all this coinfection craziness, all these infections are harmless if not in the shadow of the lyme bacteria. That's why doctors roll their eyes when they hear about
bart or babesia infections, these are opportunistic pathogens, they don't cause chronic illness in people with normal immune systems.