Girlie said...
Flagyl will replace the Tinidazole that I used. I should have used it sooner I think.
4 a day? What is the dosage?
I am not sure what doses I will use but I will have
Minocycline, rifampicin, ceftin, amoxycillin, tinidazole, and flagyl that I can work with.
and I know that flagyl(metronidazole) and tinidazole have some subtle differences. I believe one is better at crossing the blood brain barrier and that is what I am focusing on. my CNS symptoms are what bother me still. my aches are still there but not like they were before antibiotics. its msotly brain fog and eye issues
this is one study that I have based my choices off of... unfortunately I am allergic to sulfonamides so I cannot take dapsone. it has alot of side effects anyways.