needhammom said...
Hi, All,
I just started month six of my Lyme/babesia/bartonella treatment. Took doxy et al for almost three months then stopped to concentrate on killing babesia. Dizziness and imbalance had almost disappeared at three month mark but by month five (two months off of doxy) it returned. Most other babesia symptoms are gone -- drenching sweat, air hunger, disturbing dreams, constant panic, brain fog -- you all know the list -- but the stupid dizziness is really aggravating me! So, is it the Lyme? Is it the babesia? Is it a toxin die off? And most importantly, it disappeared once so can I assume it will disappear again after restarting the doxy? Thanks!
"Took doxy et al for almost three months then stopped to concentrate on killing babesia"
What were you using to treat Babesia?
Could be Bartonella if you didn't address that?
Six months is really early in the game still.
Why not treat Babesia and have doxy as one of the antibiotics? It doesn't need to be one or the other, you can treat lyme and babesia together.