violets said...
Try to stay away from any other drugs (pain meds, sleep meds, anxiety meds) except for your antibiotics and what your doctor thinks you absolutely need will want to start exercising again when and if your body or your gut instincts tell you it is ok. It is harder to listen to your body if you are numb by too many medications.
If you're in pain,and can control it effectively while in treatment, no reason to suffer.
I've been prescribed Gabapentin recently by the NP at the J Clinic. I'd tried it once before and it didn't help, but Dr. J feels that controlling pain, and sleep issues is important to healing.
He says you may be able to handle it (the pain), but your immune system can't.
So, I decided to give it another whirl...but the few weeks prior - I was having more good chunks of time...but I decided to try it anyway and it didn't seem to be helping I've weaned off it...If my pain ramps up...then maybe that's an indication that it was subtly working.
It's hard to deal with pain for years on end....if affects our mood as well.
The pain meds - unless you're taking high dose opioids don't usually numb you.