I am not sure what to make of this but all of the old school information says that UVC does not reach the earth.
Yet people have been taking meters and recording high UVC levels in recent months and posting their live readings on places like You Tube for some time now.
CORRECTION: One of these channels is MrMBB333 who also has a website at
MrMBB333.com According to live tests shown, simply carrying an umbrella as a sun shade will reduce much of the exposure.
I am not certain what is going on but the official word generally comes out a bit late if ever.
I dont imagine much of us spend a lot of time in the sun but you should look into this if you do.
Since we are all trying to get well we need to do what we can to make sure we are not inadvertently exposing ourselves to environmental toxins where we can do something about
I have been a proponent for getting more sun in the past so I feel it is important that I bring this to your attention now.
This world is changing quickly and I am finding it a bit difficult to keep pace with the changes.
This is not meant to alarm anyone. I dont want to be that guy.
As I said I dont understand why this is supposedly happening or even if it is happening but there is enough out there at this point where you should be aware that it could be and take necessary steps for protection.
I will be looking into non metal based sunscreens and would appreciate any feedback on so called non toxic sun screens as whether or not this change is occurring the sun is pretty brutal out here.