Hi Deejavu,
Yes, I did see the post about
bone broth. Thank you! I still haven't tried mine yet. But I will.
I might try making my own, as I just picked up crockpot cheap at a tag sale recently. I did the 20 drops of Borrelogen and Anti Tox this a.m., and I def. feel different. Kind of spacey, but not necessarily depressed or anxious. And very tired. Spacey and tired I'm used to and can deal with, though I'd imagine I might adjust to the new herbs and that might go away. Fingers crossed for a good outcome!
Oh, and a new, very minor symptom has cropped up. My right pinky is swollen and sore, though nothing I can't handle. I don't remember any injury to my pinky, so I'm thinking the critters might have set up shop in my pinky for whatever reason? Oh, the joys and surprises that come along with these diseases!