Hi lymesick55, welcome!
Bands 41 and 66 are not lyme specific bands.
But, lyme should be a clinical diagnosis, with testing used as a back up.
The exposure to numerous tick bites (over 100) in an endemic area...and now severe symptoms is sufficient for your husband to be treated for lyme disease.
I suggest you find a LLMD for your husband and schedule an appointment.
To find one, you can start a new thread: "Looking for LLMD in Vermont or NH"
You can also email me for some options...although you may need to travel a bit - not many good options in Long Island, if I'm remembering correctly.
You can also contact ILADS for Dr. suggestions:
ilads.org/ilads_media/physician-referral/By the way - are you and your daughter not getting treatment for your chronic lyme?