Lvg123 said...
Alright...I am ready to buy this Spooky rife machine. I guess I should buy the better Spooky one? I don't know if there was a clear consensus. Also, how do I figure out what frequency to put it on? It sucks spending money...but right now I am not working so I am losing way more money by not being about to work. I plan to keep up this pulsed antibiotic regimen for a little longer, do rife, do HBOT, get extensive blood work to look at everything possible, do neurofeedback...and if all else fails by that time this new antibiotic CZ-99 will be on the market so I will try that.
if you can afford it the Generator X is awesome.
Spooky has a free database full of frequencies,
however i have had great success with these DNA targeted freqs the GenX has a feature where it scans you body and then determines which frequencies are best for you. Takes 6 minutes. Works great, easy to use. Then you take those freqs and make a program and use it whenever you like. I use both DNA freqs and the scanned freqs.