Posted 8/3/2018 12:12 AM (GMT 0)
I had such a long list of items on my labs this month, that it took TWELVE tubes of blood. It was yesterday, and I had been fasting for the blood draw; but I ate a healthy meal shortly after. I DID drink a fair amount of water, although not quite as much as I should.
As the day went on I became more &more fatiged, and TODAY Im SO TIRED, and achy.
Im curious if it could be due to the large amount of blood that was taken=12 tubes???
Has this ever happened to anyone else? I dunno, its SO crazy when I have these episodes of incrmeased fatigue, and I attempt to find some other cause(other than just bein on abx treatment for Borrellia, ehrliciosis,mycoplasma, & virals. As if THOSES arent enough reason to have increased fatigue & achines; oh especially after a very busy 2-3 days...