Hi and welcome, Since he had the bulls eye he does have Lyme and he does need treatment. See if you can print the ilads recommendation/guidelines for treatment.
Bring this to your MD and see if they will start him on 400 mg of doxy a day while your waiting to get llmd appt.
Make sure to explain that the symptoms have started since the bulls eye.
You can also go to :
/www.lymedisease.org/find-lyme-literate-doctors/ to search for llmds.
You can go to the "Lyme net" forum and see if any of their members have recommendations.
Cut out all sugar, alcohol, eat gluten free/ paleo type diet, plenty of rest. Start building immune system up.
Most llmd's have waiting lists , so do ask to be on the waiting/cancellation list.
Treating this early is the best chance of getting rid of it, and not ending up with chronic Lyme and co-infections
We do encourage new embers to read our " New to Lyme" start here thread at the top of the page.
it has helpful info n Lyme, symptoms, testing and more..
There are excellent books out there: Stephen Buhner's "Healing Lyme"
Dr. William Rawls book , "Unlocking Lyme"
Sr R. Horowicz books, "Why cant I get Better' and 'How can I get Better"
Dr Jerrnigan's book, " Beating Lyme Disease"
Take care and I wish you the best of healing.