Hi Dannie, welcome to our community.
The bullseye rash equals lyme disease. Doesn't matter what the tests show...they are highly inaccurate/unreliable.
PLUS - it takes several weeks before your body can build up the antibiodies after a borrelia exposure. You may have tested too soon.
21 days for a bullseye rash is undertreating. 6 weeks minimum according to LLMD Dr. Burrascano guidelines:
www.lymenet.org/BurrGuide200810.pdfI tested here in Canada and was negative on the IFA (similar to the Elisa) so the WB wasn't even done.
I tested with Igenex in California...and was positive but not CDC positive.
I certainly have lyme disease (plus coinfections)
There are some good options in NYC area - you can send me an email if you like...and i'll send you some names/contact information.
Many of us have had negative tests but DO have lyme disease.
Good for you being proactive and seeking out a LLMD.