ChickNorris said...
Girlie said...
ChickNorris said...
Girlie said...
ChickNorris said...
Girlie said...
Chick - thanks for posting.
That's great that you were feeling so well....
sorry that you relapsed...but now you KNOW it's attainable...right?
You'll get there again..
That’s exactly what Dr H reassured me with. That I will feel better again someday! So we keep on grinding! you know how that goes!Dr. H? Are you seeing THE Dr. H.?Well, the Dr. H of the west coast! The one with ties to Igenex.Are you happy with him?Absolutely! And YS at the clinic!Is that Dr. S H ?
YS is at the same clinic as Dr. H?
(I'm wanting to put a note on my file - that a forum member gave him a good review...)