Noah2112 said...
Hey all. I’ve recently (past few weeks) developed red spots on my upper arms that strongly resemble Petechiae. I’m seeing a dermatologist Monday but I wanted to ask you all if you know what could be causing them. I’m finally on the full Buhner protocol for Lyme+Bart, could it be an allergic or adverse reaction to one of the herbs? Does anyone else have experience with this? I’d prefer to not stop everything for a few weeks to see if they go away on their own, but if they keep popping up I probably will have to. Any insight would be appreciated.
Petechiae is a known Babesia symptom.
It's possible that taking the lyme/bart protocol...has caused the babesia to come to the forefront?
I had some kind of skin thing after being on Bart for awhile - it was red dots...but it was under the skin..on one of my feet only....if that makes sense...not sure if it was petechiae....or not.
Now that I've treated lyme/bart and babs.....I'm not getting the frequent rashes (various ones) now.
prior to treating babesia...I had several different ones - on my torso - front and back...and now it's very rare for me to get a skin reaction.