Posted 2/13/2019 5:57 PM (GMT 0)
Hi I am sorry you are not feeling well. Also thank you for the microscope video. I am interested in your setup, and how did you film them?
I would say you definitely have a cytokine storm and inflammation. And possibly you are full of mold. I felt like what you described. I also did not make any progress but I kept taking antibiotics for a year. I can tell you what happened that made me feel better (Ivermectin was the turning point). I took Cat's Claw powder for a yearand tinture when I could afford it which I believe helped, because if I stopped taking it I felt worse. So this is how I felt better:
The biggest factor for reducing the inflammation was Turmeric, 1 tablespoon in the morning and 1 at night. Eventually I got to 4 tablespoons. With black pepper. This reduced my inflammation. It takes about 10 days to notice the effect, and you really notice it when you run out or stop it. Even if it is 1-5% improvement I would take 2-4 TBS Turmeric everyday with 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper for at least 10-20 days before seeing if it works. If you don't notice anything, stop. If after 24-48 hours after stopping you feel like crap, that means it was working: so go back on it.
The second factor for reducing inflammation was eliminating mold. I switched to Reverse Osmosis water with filters ($20 on amazon $9 for the holder). I switched to a HEPA filter in my house ($35, or $25 for a MERV 13 filter duct taped to a $20 box fan). I also run a dehumidifier ($190) and keep the humidity down under 55%. I take Espon Salt showers and wash all my laundry in Epson Salt and Ivermectin cow wash.
The third factor was when I was at your stage and nothing worked, I gave up on life and stopped eating. After 24-48 hours of not eating, for whatever reason I felt better. I then fasted for 72 hours, and felt even better. Then 10 days. Fasting was incredible in helping me feel better (and normal). It has something to do with your body's immune system being digested and recycling all the bad cells. Also it starves the parasites and increases the effectiveness of the drugs or herbs you take. It will flush out the crap in your system
Another factor was a major detox. All in all, my detox has gone to this: Fasting with green Spirulina tablets. While doing this I would take 4TBS of Turmeric, 1tbs of Japanese Knotweed, 1TBS of Cinnamon, 4-6x 5000mg Garlic extract, 2-4x 1500mg Oil of Oregano, and other herbs. I would do this in addition to my antibiotics (for me Amoxicillin and Alinia).
Another factor for detox was taking massive amount of Pro-Biotics. Because I couldn't afford them, I made a "super yogart" I would buy yoguart, and break open probiotic pills and pour them into the yogart and let it sit over night. I would then mix in fiber -- Psyillian Husk, into the yogart. I would add some fruit so it didn't taste so bad. The Pro-biotics pill powerder, plus the over-the-night-room temperature of the yogart (you want the yellow liquid, that's the lactose bacteria ), plus the fiber, cleared my gut and gave me wellness feeling. The probiotics break down mold and toxins in your gut. Also they transfer the toxins away from your intestines into the "going output". The more toxins you can move away from the intestines to going out the door, the more efficiently your body can pass out toxins/inflammation. I would do this fiber+yogart+probiotic-pill bomb once a week between fasting. The fiber is the critical part.
When that all failed my doctor gave me Penicillin injection, that really helped. But he also gave me Ivermectin 9mg 3days in a row every other week. I continued it for 4 months with all the above. It could have been just the timing, but ever since I took the Ivermectin I went from completely sick with 2-3 good days a month to 70-80-90% better. I believe the Ivermectin was attacking whatever co-infection I had. You can buy ivermectin online or at the store and calculate what 9mg is from the paste. I was able to buy it at the hardware store for $3.50
Since then I went from 2-3 good days a month to 80-90% good, and only 2-3 "bad" days a month. I continued to take the antibiotics. I was on the antibiotics for about a year before I did the other stuff and then got to ivermectin. I had to stabalize my situation (Turmeric, detox, anti-mold), continue the antibotics with herbs (cat's claw, stevia, garlic, cinnamon), then finally major fasting, then Ivermectin, then here I am
Now I make this tea and drink 4-8 cups a day and take the following. Tea: Cloves (1lb whole cloves amazon $25), Teasel Root ($25 amazon), Organic Chai for taste. I add Stevia for bio-film busting and taste. The tea is incredible and makes feel feel great. I have since added "Black walnut Wormwood complex" tinture to the tea everyday.
I take that and Oil Of Oregano (which is great to kill mold), Cinnamon (which works great for me), and Garlic. if I have a bad day, I take antibiotics -- but I only need 4-5 pills a month. Now I am still infected with a coinfection I am not sure if it is "babs" or "bart", but I take Alinia everyday. Somebody posted about "Bladerwrack" seaweed last week and I bought some and it is absolutely killing it -- I wake up with a headache from die off, I have only been able to take two pills they are strong.
For any and all these herbs I would take 1 pill or the minimum amount. Then I would wait 24-48 hours. If I felt it and it was to strong (like Bladerwrack the last few days), I will take it every other day. I do this until it does not work, then I take it every day. Then I do that until it does not work or desired effect. Then I take two in the morning and two at night, I increase my dosage. Eventually it stops working and I discover a new one, then that one stops working -- so I switch back to the old one.
The last thing that I think was a factor was NAC or N-acetyl cysteine (NAC). When I was really sick at your point, NAC made me sicker. But later on it helped. NAC breaks down plaque or bio-film. You will notice you won't get plaque on your teeth. Because I thought plaque is basically bio-film, I put the two to two together and thought this would help against the lyme bio-film.
I look at your video and I see the spirochetes and I also see blood nematode(?) parasites. Nematode parasites have a mouth and an orifice. There are male and female parasites and they lay eggs. They can hide from the immune system (definition of a parasite). Spirochetes, also technically parasites of a different kind, can hide in the nematode parasites. You could kill all of them but not the blood parasites, and the spirochetes can come back.
Also I can see what looks like bio-film, or a white "whisk" or cloudly like fluid, NAC will remove this film. And I can see spirochetes that are building persistorcells, or what I think are dead ones grouped together to build a shield in a tight ball --- stevia is believed to break these up. And I can see sick cells that are infected, Fasting will remove those sick cells.
I think you should reduce your inflammation. Target mold. Fast and detox. Take herbs in addition to your antibiotics, slowly. Then talk to your doctor about Ivermectin. And then also take NAC to reduce your bio-film.
anyway way to long email.
post more videos please