I've been taking 3 scoops a day (1 scoop = 3g) for around 3-4 years now. I initially herxed when ramping up - it was like a strange herx that would cause muscles to cramp up in certain areas. But got up to the max dose within a few weeks.
I had stopped all treatment for the past two years, taking only monolaurin. It was a bit of a gamble but I had read this textbook and it gave me the confidence that it would be enough to keep whatever was left in me at bay:
https://www.amazon.com/lipids-essential-oils-antimicrobial-agents/dp/0470741783/I didn't relapse during the two years off treatment and led a reasonably normal life of working full time and sports. I've started mercury chelation now and I think there is still some Lyme etc hiding in the jaw area where the mercury is, so monolaurin was enough to suppress it.
I was recently reading the Amazon reviews for the product and I came across this one:
"I had a brutal case of Lyme disease and this was what has helped keep me from relapsing. When I stopped it a year ago, thinking I was all better, I relapsed and got so sick. It seems expensive but it really works and it lasts months at the maintenance dose of one scoop per day. I take more when I get a virus or cold. Won't be without it."