Hello, I see you are somewhat new here.
95% of People drop off this place once they are better. On to live their life again.
Its common around new years for past lymies people to stop by and say hi. Plenty of posts here just for that in the past.
Myself, well, I'm a lot better.
But.....I had this for decades so the healing process is somewhat on-going. There is some damage that is taking its own sweet time to heal, (like autoimmune and soft tissue degeneration) and it is doing just that. Ive never put my healing milestones together in a timeline as someone once suggested. Its in little posts here and there. I used abx and treated other body systems via natural supplements or Rx where needed, following Functional medicine protocols.
Prob with this forum is you need to save your own posts if you want to see them, as you can only google them, there is no looking up your posts in order here like on other forum formats.
As far as comparing to before....well I feel the best I can remember. Im also a lot older now. As far as comparing way back? I had this off and on for decades, (maybe since adolescence), but was never bed ridden. I cant really remember much about
childhood health, other than I was exposed to many ticks from the woods / wooded yard/lot even as a child. I dont really know or remember what normal is, but can say I feel better than in a long time.
People with perfect health dont get long term lyme. Those who do.... there was something not right with their immune system and or genes to begin with - things that dont really have symptoms of their own.