borrelioburgdorferii said...
Yeah WalkingbyFaith I hear you, and Lapis_29 thanks for the info... tell me about the DNA connexions it more accurate, does it pick up the persister, chronic, relapsing form..?
but I'm wondering do they mean I would guess they mean CDC-positive?? which is a mostly useless measure unless you are a big insurance co. trying to NOT treat legit patients...
Ok say...I'm saying (and I haven't emailed or called yet) they will probably only allow CDC-positives into the test... (faulty and antiquated, missing essential bands)
IGenex Western Blot positive? (better, but still not 100%)
clinical (Horowtiz-based clinical questionaire symptoms say off-the-charts with at least one "Lyme-bingo" Lyme-specific band, 23, 31, 34, 39, 83/93 and say 58 for Euro-specific strain...)
We will never get anywhere while these tests are suppressed on us to yield nil results...
and by the way, are there better tests for tbd and coinfections?
I've only heard of ArminLabs in Germany, a place in Stonybrook I think also, and Galaxy for Bartonella, Quest and Labcorp are useless as they still use the get-out-of-treating-tbd-patients-free card (ie. CDC "approved") test
sorry for my salty tone but I'm just looking for some relief at this point : [
I tested positive for Lyme disease by Western blot at Igenex. I know doctors are wary of DNA Connexions for testing, And I tested positive for Bart on it, but yeah, it’s super frustrating that we don’t know what’s a reliable manufacturer of lab tests for these diseases. It took a few years for C. pneumoniae to show up on a LabCorp panel. It doesn’t help that these organisms are crafty and hide very well.
I’ve contacted ArminLabs, and they’re very helpful. I think Germany has a pulse on acceptable and more accurate lab testing for these diseases. I’ve heard great things about
Galaxy Labs for Bart. Many Bart patients agree they are the Gold Standard for testing for it. There is very little information about
the operating methods at DNA Connexions, at least the last time I looked into them.
Your tone is not “salty” at all. It’s past time for there to be reliable testing for Lyme and Co. A research budget of only $28 (2017) million isn’t going to bring about
revelations, and that’s purposeful.