Quin said...
Flayvor said...
How do you know the difference between herxing and a flare.
Flare is mainly a problem with bartonella, due to its tendency to cycle into red blood cells periodically. If you take antibiotics that disturb it but are not enough to kill it, then the bacteria may become active and attack the red blood cells. I had this happen with amoxicillin, clarithromycin, and valproate, which AFAIK are drugs that Dr J usually does not prescribe. The symptoms were mainly that I started feeling short of breath, the rash got worse, and I got a bloody nose.
Flayvor said...
Am I taking an actual risk taking antibiotics. I don’t have any energy but I’m not disabled or bedblund yet. I wouldn’t want to start treating and end up in worse shape than I am now irreversibly or something.
Side effects vary depending on the antibiotic. For example, ciprofloxacin can cause tendon rupture.
Flares happen with lyme as well as bartonella.
Dr. J prescribes amoxicillin. He does seem to prefer azithromycin to clarithromycin.
Both Cipro and levaquin can cause other issues - Peripheral neuropathy (that could be permanent), CNS side effect along with risk of tendon rupture.
"In 2016, the FDA enhanced warnings about
the association of fluoroquinolones with disabling and potentially permanent side effects involving tendons, muscles, joints, nerves and the central nervous system. "
The list keeps getting longer.