There are a few of you here, lets group and compare your latest pills.
There are no great thyroid websites with good traffic anymore . STTM has info, but they seem like they are over-reactive at that place. I never trusted their crazy members on that site. Cant reason with "mad" people lol. Calm technical and helpful is always better than "reacting".
****I have not noticed feeling diff, but just started a new bottle. I use 60mg pills. Lay pills flat- they are thicker than old ones, supposedly slight diff color (im color blind), they do smell diff to me. I used 25 days worth so far, no major change. I just took my afternoon dose sublingually as always, and it still tasted the same - sweet taste.*****
This happened with all other brands in the past, it was real. There has been false alarms though, people exaggerating, were never optimal to begin with ect. Just cause they look and smell diff does not mean they work diff. If people get huge anxiety over hearing this, yes, that stress itself can affect your thyroid to, so dont freak and assume the worst.
I have no more info. If you know stuff other than rumors please add.
Its always best to mix new with old cause any small change will seem big if you do other wise - thyroids are very very picky "eaters".
keep posted
Post Edited (astroman) : 9/23/2019 4:03:06 PM (GMT-6)