astroman said...
"The most likely cause is Bartonella"
Most likely?, not necessarily. But possibly in people who exhibit Bart symptoms. These infections (not just Bart) certainly could make thyroid issues worse too; most likely builds on a currently existing problem (modern gluten).
Yeah, probably too strong of words, but I think a large number of lyme patients with hashimotos, the cause could be bartonella. As Dr. Hirsch and other Lyme Literate Doctors are saying this is a bacteria in just about
everyone's body. Hence the name of this article
"Bartonella is Everywhere, So Why Don’t We Know More about It?" really don't know enough about
it, but like Dr. Ed Breitschwerdt who's been studying the disease for 30 years, he suspects it's the
"stealth cause of many neurological, inflammatory and chronic diseases in humans for a 100 years." And with hashimotos being chronic, I think it definitely could be in this group of chronic disease he's mentioning. Considering the thyroid can cause all sorts of weird symptoms related to the brain and what you know, many of those bartonella symptoms like Anxiety, OCD, Intrusive Thoughts can all happen with thyroid disease as well.
Remind you 3/4 of the stray cats in North Carolina have this bacteria in their system.
I recommend looking into it Astroman, because again, you could possibly get off those thyroid pills your taking. Treat the bartonella, lower your thyroid antibodies, then be able to get on something naturally like iodine and selenium. As just like Dr. Hirsch said, when he treated his lyme patients with a-bart, their thyroid antibodies went down. But hey, maybe you don't have any high thyroid antibodies. But that doesn't meant you don't have bartonella lieing dormant in your system. I recently tested my thyroid antibodies, they were below 10 and what you know, I have full blown bartonella. But when I take iodine or a thyroid pill, my bartonella symptoms flare like crazy.
I don't remember you reporting of having any bartonella symptoms, I think you said you're in remission or healed in a thread I read somewhere? Just remember bartonella can lay dormant and it seems to lie dormant in the lymph nodes and thyroid, probably other places in the body like the liver, because a lot of babesia or bartonella patients have high liver enzymes. For a lot of patients when they take a drug that penetrate deep in the body like Cipro, for whatever reason it wakes up this dormant coinfection, then it starts reaking havoc on the body and brain. I've been treating lyme for 8 years now, it wasn't until I treated Babesia with the primaquine coartem protocol, then followed up with CSA Formula and A-Bab for 3-4 months, that Bartonella finally showed it's face. So that's basically 7 years of not having any signs of bartonella, until I knocked down babesia.
This is a very complex disease...
astroman said...
We are also exposed to many more other ills at a young age, everyone is. The thyroid gland is touchy and many things can set it off, even strepp, chicken pox, other viruses ect,, especially if leaky gut is in the picture (can goggle these till the sun goes down, its all out there).
That's a great point and I agree!
astroman said...
Fact: Not everyone with Hashimoto has tick infections.
Sure, I completely agree, for some people it can also be genetic just like diabetes. Some diseases just run in the family because of genetic predisposition. But I suspect a good percentage of Hashimotos may have bartonella, because like some Doctors are saying, it's everywhere. They say 20% of the population has toxoplasma gondii as well....
In a recent podcast with Joe Rogan, he was just talking about
Hook Worm made southeners walked around like zombies for decades, couldn't think nor function properly, and the Doctors didn't know the cause. I suspect even to this day, most southeners aren't even aware of this. It's how southerners got a bad name for themselves and what you know, I heard recently in the news it's making a comeback.
"How a Worm Gave the South a Bad Name""Joe Rogan on Hook Worm" said...
Fact: Not everyone with Hashimoto has tick infections.
Fact: We don't know the official cause of Hashimotos. Just another autoimmune condition that our lovely chrony capitalistic medical system puts us on a dependent drug. What else does this sound like, ummm.... Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia and Lyme Disease.
The corporate media keeps pumping articles out like this, yet it's basically the other way around. People fall for it all the time.
"Long-term Lyme disease actually chronic fatigue syndrome" highly suspect that many of these autoimmune disorders and diseases there's an underlying infection, some Doctors and Scientists have always known. When I listend to Coast to Coast AM with microbiologist Tom Grier, he joked about
when they talked about
MS, aka Multiple Sclerosis, he said the acronym stood for multiple spirochetes. He even talked about
a scientist/doctor at Wayne State that worked on the link between spirochetes and MS/Parkinsons long before anyone did even Dr. MacDonald himself. Those podcasts are in the Coast to Coast AM if you want to listen to them, I'm not making this up.
Anyways, I suspect though, with some of these autoimmune disease and disorders, once they go in overdrive like Michael J Fox or Ben Petrick, who's mentioned in the Under Our Skin documentary, there's no way to reverse the disease. Unless by maybe using something like stem cells or something I suspect because we're talking about
permanent damage done by the possible underlying infection and immune response. But what you know, stem cells are outlawed in this country, at least the good ones are and people like Mel Gibson and his father have to travel to a third world country to get them.
"Joe Rogan - Mel Gibson on How Stem Cell Therapy Saved His Dad's Life" I just heard recently, guitar god ol' Eddie Van Halen has been traveling to Germany for his cancer treatment.
But wait a second, this doesn't add up, if capitalism was so great and we had the very best medical system, why are these rich people traveling out of state for cures? Like stem cells and cancer treatment... Nahhh... Capitalistic medical system would never suppress cures, right Astroman?
The corrupt medical industry pretends like there's no underlying infection with chronic lyme, they've said for years it was just autoimmune, before that they just acted like it was just psychosomatic, but what you know, here's a top persister cell Doctor named Kim Lewis at Northeastern talking about
a new drug that will kill all forms of borrelia spircohetes, as well as the dormant persister cells., but something doesn't add up, what the corporate news and big pharma lobbied Doctors are saying about
chronic lyme compared to Dr. Kim Lewis?
I suspect with a lot of these diseases and disorders, they could be reversed, especially for people in their 20s, 30s, and 40s. And yes, I agree, some people come to the point in their age where they aren't.
But remember Astroman, this is a billion dollar if not trillion dollar industry. What are the Lyme patients suing the CDC and IDSA Doctors in Texas for? Conspiring with Insurance Companies, which involves profits and not paying out money for treatment. I suspect big pharma, lobbyists, and certain bought off politicans left or right in Washington will try to keep cures and breakthrough from happening because remember what Gwen Olsen said, big pharma is not in the business of curing, but disease management and symptoms maintenance, they make more money that way, simple as that.
The more they can keep you on thyroid pill, rather than finding out the source of the problem which could be lyme or bartonella, they'll do that. A lot, I mean a lot of lyme patients have problems with fatigue and their thyroid.
I went in to my new Doctor, despite telling him my Lyme Literate Doctor diagnosed me with bartonella, and it's was the cause of all my spontaneous anxiety and weird physical symptoms, he was totally uninterested, instead he was so set on getting me with a cholesterol pill just due to a little high levels with cholesterol. He basically dismissed my bartonella and acted like my cholesterol was more important. This is basically what the capitalistic medical industry has programmed him to be, getting you hooked on drugs so you can keep coming back so him and big pharma can keep making profits, rather than getting to the source of the problem, like maybe changing your diet or getting on a natural supplement like high fiber or garlic to lower cholesterol. And what these cholesterol companies lie about
how they state is how these drugs lower the bad cholesterol LDL and but don't touch cholesterol in place like HDL. Oh yeah just like how opioids are safe and are non-addictive, yeah right. These cholesterol drugs can lower both forms cholesterol at times. Your body and brain needs cholesterol to produce testosterone, majority of the brain is all fat, 25% of your cholesterol in the body is for this important organ. I wonder what happens when you start taking away this cholesterol with a cholesterol drug for people with a autoimmune genetic predisposition such as Parkinsons? There's so much lies and deceibt on cholesterol and fat, remember the sugar industry paid of scientists to put the blame on flat rather than sugar and carbs. recently "20 Doctors in Detroit were just caught for fraud," this stuff is going on more than ever. my language, but these F$#kers have taken an oath to cure and help people, not get them hooked on drugs and make off with the money like capitalist Bernie Madoff. This corrupt system is breading these doctors, because that's what they're programed to do, give you drugs that just mask the symptoms and become addictive.
All this crap has been forced on us like glyphosate, 5g, vaccines, GMOS, or even fluoride in our water without our consent or voting on it.
"Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy Linked to Lower IQ in Sons" George Carlin said, I'm paraphrasing of course,
modern day fascism isn't going to come with a Naz! swastika flags, it's going to be with a happy face and nike logo.'s Carlin explaining to this egotistical little prick of a bigot James Glassman on the Illusion of choice. capitalistic nut James Glassman was trying to call George Carlin a Karl Marx communist, this is what goes on in the USA, anytime you criticize capitalism, your a commie. Sick, twisted, and brainwashing.
astroman said...
Also, we can not forget that US field grown grains are not what they used to be, they are now changed and full of chemicals.
Yes I completely agree, but there's things you can do to take fluoride out of your tap, which is very damaging to your thyroid, like a countertop reverse osmosis system on Amazon for $200. I have that Apec brand ROS and it's great.
You can eat organic grain, which doesn't have high dosages of glyphosate and it shouldn't be hybridized. But hey, I'm well aware of cross pollination and some of this hybridized grain and glyphosate is making it's way over to the organic fields.
Or you could cut out grain all together, like ketogenic diet which is popular right now. I've been eating just healthy meats, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Basically the caveman diet, lol, no way our ancestors walked around eating grain. I mean they were eating bread and grain in biblical times, sure. But the human body can thrive just on proteint meat and vegetables/fruit easily.
astroman said...
People with very low thyroid hormone cannot function without elevating the levels with hormone that works for them, this means trying different brands. Prolonged low thyroid can possibly end in eventual heart failure, stroke, death. A little low is a totally different story and sometimes non hormone supplements work, or just going off gluten if antibodies are present in the case of hashimoto. And some hypothyroid is non-hashimoto, much easier in that case (no antibodies).
I agree and I agree, some at older age will have to get on a thyroid pill. If you read my posts, I still recommend thyroid pills for chronic because they're safer for lyme patients with high thyroid antibodies, but once those thyroid antibodies go down with treatment, they can go on something natural like kelp or iodine in general to wake up their thyroid and not so be dependent on a drug. That's what I did and it worked, being in my mid 30s.
And I agree, there comes a time where people with certain age may need a thyroid pill. The hormones from the thyroid pill are super important to keep your body function at a healthy level, the thyroid hormones are connected to everything your testosterone, adrenal system, your brain function, etc...
Anways, I enjoy your Thyroid posts Astroman, so keep making them, I've learned a lot from them. I read a lot of them doing searches on the thyroid. But I think you should do some more investigating on the connection between the thyroid and bartonella, just like Dr. Hirsch is talking about
. I suspect this guy's seen a lot of patients and like he said, when you do, you start to see connections with certain symptoms with certain coinfections. The ammonia and bartonella is one of them as well.
You know I wish it was me with a phd saying this, but it's not, I'm just reporting what I've heard from this Dr. Hirsch, which sounds like it makes a lot of sense. And worth looking into, considering that Dr. Ed Breitschwerdt who's been studying the disease for 30 years, suspects it's the
"stealth cause of many neurological, inflammatory and chronic diseases in humans for a 100 years." Dr. Hirsch on Thyroid and Bartonella -> Edited (Charlie55) : 10/15/2019 6:00:58 PM (GMT-6)