Posted 12/9/2019 6:40 PM (GMT 0)
I find it interesting that you Americans are so obsessed with genetics governing your lives.
Autism, dementia, ADHD, 'autoimmune' diseases are believed to be caused by wrong genes.
There's a whole other current studying epigenetics instead - what Georgia says, that the environment plays a role in turning on and off certain genes.
Otherwise, how could you explain that MORE people are getting these 'genetic' diseases, more or less in a sort of exponential curve??
Genetics can't explain that mathematical logic.
Here in Europe, naturopathic doctors and even conventional doctors give much less importance to genes.
My doctor sent me home with a copy of Ben Lynch, Dirty Genes, where he explains exactly that: the environment, your food, and toxic exposure, all can turn on and off bad genes.
It's not exactly that your genes make you sick, but that the environment makes your body sick and it triggers these bad genes.
Ben Lynch says: Don't waste your money in genetic tests.
He has many verbal tests in his book, so that you can already know which genes are 'dirty', and then you can make a move to improve your diet, exercise and environment to see if your scores improve.
No blood test, only many questionnaires.
It's interesting to know which part of your genome needs cleansing, just by these Q&A tests you can have a good idea.
Radiation is one factor, not THE factor that causes immune problems.
Like Bb is one factor, not THE factor.
Probably herpes infections, EBV, HHV-6, retroviruses, heavy metals, dental infections, other parallel unknown infections (even parasitism), trauma, pesticides in excess, glyphosate, hormones in the food, lack of nutrition, etc.
That's why there is no simple treatment : treat this and heal lyme.
You gotta treat layer by layer, take each layer off your shoulder, and that involves trying to kill microbes, possibly some parasites, viruses, diminish electrosmog exposure as much as you can, pesticides / chemicals, mold, eating more veggies and fruits /less junk / animal proteins /pesticides /glyphosate/ food additives MSG, citric acid etc.
Just treating microbes can be the answer for some - because the excess of microbes was the last drop of water in their glass, and taking that off balances the immune system.
But for most, it's more complex. Microbes is just ONE of the factors causing failure of the immune system.
You guys say: Don't get bitten again.
well, getting bitten again is just one factor.
It may or MAY NOT trigger lyme.
Much more important than avoiding nature and ticks, is to avoid junk food, chemicals and electrosmog, in my opinion. T
hese things mess with the immune system, and then, next tick bite will be probably messy.
Lyme has existed for at least 100 years or more, in the medical literature here in Germany / Switzerland.
It caused joint pain for many women, older age, or in certain areas, there were other symptoms (probably due to coinfections, unknown at that time), but lyme was not the monster it is today.
Lyme was not killing people before time, was not totally handicapping people, ruining whole families.
People still lived long lives, just got some pains here and there, but no neurological symptoms, brain fog, handicapping fatigue etc.
Only in the last 20-30 years, it started to become this monster.
So says Dr Klinghardt, who had lyme since he was a small child, as he grew here in the Black Forest.
I particularly used ART, a special school of kinesiology (muscle tests) to tune my treatment, discover which were the layers on my shoulders. And also how to tune my herbs, treatments. It's dr. K's tests.
Teeth was on top of the list. Electrosmog, heavy metals, too.
And each food I ate was tested, one by one, to avoid allergies.
Most lyme sufferers cannot eat eggs, milk products, nuts, gluten, for example (that's what most doctors here recommend).
This is almost common sense for anyone suffering from arthritis or rheumatic diseases here, for many decades.
they call that a sort of anti-inflammatory diet.
They put people on more vegan diets, highly alkaline, and at the end, they alkalinize the gut somehow, critters dislike such alkaline diets (because they're mostly vegan, only fruits and veggies), so in the end, people get better even without knowing they are also treating lyme.
That's why dr Rau doesn't treat 'lyme' disease.
He doesn't even consider lyme a disease on its own, because what he treats is the whole person, the gut microbiota, mouth microbiota, nutrition, not only bacteria but mostly viruses, etc.
In the end, people heal, because that approach heals not only lyme, but other diseases too, such as viral arthritis.
My case was that too: lyme arthritis was long gone, but very mildly, I still herxed with antivirals inside the same joints.
Yes, it meant it was not only Bb, or only bart, or whatever lyme-related: it was very probably some viral infection in the joints, of a very different nature than Bb.
What people think it's 'auto-immune'.
I believe autoimmune is a mistake also.
So does Dr K.
Auto-immune is an excuse to let patients suffer, in my opinion, because they do not know.
In fact, says dr K, the body is attacking low grade infections, not itself.
It's not exactly autoimmune, but simply, the body trying to get rid of chronic infections.
Have you heard about lyme patients giving up treatment because they consider themselves free of lyme but they consider themselves only autoimmune?
Well, the soup of pathogens did not finish at the door of lyme treatment....
That's why only a holistic treatment can take people out.
Both daughter and I don't suffer from lyme for all these years, but we still 'treat' with diet, exercise, teas, liposomal vitamins and supplements.
The last thing we want is to fall ill again with anything that looks like lyme.
We are still on a very strict diet, no gluten, no eggs, no milk products and as much vegan as we can (we aren't 100% vegans, but we eat just a fraction of animal proteins compared to pre-lyme)...
Tick bites do nothing anymore to us.
This year I got 6 attached ticks, my daughter less, about 3 bites or so, because it was a dry year.
No one is afraid of tick bites for lyme disease in the region here, because they don't know many on wheel chair, handicapped, etc....
But they are afraid of FSME, because we live in the red zone (viral encephalitis, caused by a tick bite too).
anyway, don't try to find an equation like Lyme = A + B and only that.
Anything that lowers immunity has to be in the equation 'causing' lyme.
Starting by diet, low inflammatory diets, cleaner diets, cleaner environments....