Aerose91 said...
Pahoo said...
I understand. I was covered by my work insurance. Sad these days that most professionals cost so much. I paid out of pocket at the end.
He's incredibly expensive, even for a LLMD. I agree though, incredibly kind. Did you see good results with him?
Yes I did but it took a long time, during which I got to know him better and saw that he made allowances for a few patients who were really in need.
Ultimately, it was the combination of Samento, Banderol and Burbur-Pinella, 3 South American extracts that were recommended by a medical professional( that “really” did the job. They’re made by a company called Nutramedix. I recommended it to a person out in Kansas last October and by January of this year, 2020, the person told me that they were feeling the best in well over 10 years.