Hi Saraeli.Thank you so much for caring and writing all of this to help me.My llmd said she is calling me an anti depressant in to try and stabilize me.I hope it help me.I did not get 1 hour of sleep lastnight.My new protocol is Biaxin 500 mg 2 daily,Rifambin 300mg one daily,Antabuse 250mg,leucovorin25mg 1 daily.Week 2-5 add in pyrazanamide 500mg 3 daily for 4 weeks then stop it.stop leucovorin week 7,stop rifampin week 8,stop biaxin week 9.Plus 23 supplements some requiring me to take up to 6 a day.when I saw this I broke down.i have already been on antibiotics for a year.We are trying to kill Bartonella.I just feel like this is entirely to much.yesterday I did manage to take 3 antibiotics and my multivitamin.Shes not listening to me I do not have an appetite.All the supplements are tied to her account from full script
and other companies to get a cut.I am so overwhelmed because obviously I do not know how to treat myself
saraeli said...
Wish I had seen this earlier. I'm so sorry you felt alone and unmoored last night, and perhaps still. I know it's very hard on your family, but please focus on yourself for the moment, and on what is going on right now. Sounds like a lot of spiraling is going on (catastrophizing, worst case scenarios, intrusive thoughts, obsessive thoughts, etc.) which I know can be an absolute horror to deal with. A lot of us drift in and out of that state of mind and even get stuck there sometimes.
I like Rainy's suggestion of a benzo to take as a "rescue" med temporarily, since a person's mental state can cause symptoms all by itself, and you don't need any more stress on your body. I'd also suggest a cannabis product, a strain designed for calming the symptoms you are experiencing. Unlike a benzo, cannabis has the added benefits of modulating the immune system, reducing inflammation, and not producing biochemical dependence in the same way. (It's real medicine. Ignore the stigma and ignorance, if they are holding you back.) Dispensary employees tend to be knowledgeable, but you also can get a lot of good information about strains for your particular needs at leafly.com.
I think that more antimicrobial treatment might be a mistake for you right now. It sounds like your body is overloaded and that the major psych symptoms are part of a herx from disulfiram and other things. Obviously I could be wrong, but that's my instinct.
If you have the patience for it today, perhaps try some guided visualizations. I really like the headaches and fibromyalgia ones here: https://healthy.kaiserpermanente.org/health-wellness/podcasts/conditions-diseases
There is one for anxiety here: https://healthy.kaiserpermanente.org/health-wellness/podcasts/emotional-wellness
Try tapping, and really give it a chance. A wellness blogger with Lyme posted a great video about it once (which I can't find right now) that specified saying the standard affirmation ("Even though ... I know that....") at the beginning and end but using the middle to voice all the other anxious thoughts that come up, the idea being that in the tapping process those feelings can be brought up and moved to different parts of the brain, where they can be dealt with and released. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPqGjcxoPS8&feature=emb_logo
Ditto for essential oils, as they act on the brain immediately when smelled. Lavender, orange, and Melissa come to mind as great ones for anxiety. Frankincense and rose geranium are my go-to EOs for pain and neuro stuff.
Grounding exercises can be really helpful. My favorite is really paying attention and noticing five things I can see, four things I can feel, three things I can hear, two things I can smell, and one thing I can taste. Another is counting colors (4 red things, 4 orange things, 4 yellow, etc.) or alphabet games (someone I know with a name beginning with each letter, animals, jobs I might like, foods, etc.).
Physical grounding exercises can be helpful as well, including lightly scratching your skin, holding an ice cube against your skin, and feeling the weight of your body against the bed/chair/floor. Also rebounding - like with a swing, porch swing, or trampoline. And earthing - going outside with your feet on the ground. And possibly some negative ions if you can find them, like in a pine forest, ocean beach, or waterfall.
Check out some acupressure points. I find these helpful when I want to feel like I have the power to do something about how I feel but lack the patience for some of the more attention-intensive tasks. https://www.modernreflexology.com/acupressure-to-relieve-anxiety-palpitations-and-nervousness/
You know by now that I'm a big fan of DNRS, so allow me to say yet again, maybe try DNRS. ;)
Breath work is a powerful, fast way to tell your nervous system what you need it to know - namely that you are safe, there is no emergency, and it can chill. 4-7-8 breaths, box breathing, nadi shodhana (alternate nostril breathing), and lots of other options exist. All are good.
Yoga aligns your body in ways that send your brain and nervous system messages as well. Try: https://www.youtube.com/user/yogawithadriene/search?query=anxiety
Which supplements is your LLMD recommending? Perhaps some of them would be helpful for detox, nervous system, etc. Nearly everything can be found in liquid form, so you can take it more easily when you have no appetite. I agree that it's imperative to get you to a more functional baseline before overloading your system.
Can I ask what you are taking right now? I feel how you describe feeling after I take just one drop of holy basil, whereas it chills other people out beautifully. My point is that you never know what might be throwing you off-balance. So if you are taking adaptogens or other supplements that can affect the adrenal system, nervous system, or gut flora, then it might be best to stop everything for a while.
Focus on hydration and electrolytes. Try Emergen-C packets or homemade electrolyte drinks (perhaps lemon juice, water, maple syrup, and sea salt). Smoothies with coconut oil and/or protein powder are good if you can manage those. Metagenics makes a "medical food" powder called Ultra-InflammeX that contains a lot of nutrients and curcumin, so you won't have to worry about nutrition. It's not cheap, but it might be worth it for peace of mind. https://www.metagenics.com/ultrainflamx-plus-360
You are not going to waste away; your body just wants a break.
Things WILL even out. This awful phase IS temporary. I have had days of doing literally nothing but lying there whispering to myself that tomorrow will be better than today. Eventually it was.