Garzie said...
i hope this reaction is a sign that its doing something positive for you - and that significant symptom improvements follow in the coming weeks.
I also very much appreciate the thoughts for my own health journey and the encouragement to get mold testing.
Thank you Garzie and you're welcome
Garzie said...
i am not quite so sure of the mechanisms involved for the increased rash though.
There is a lot of talk of toxins being "mobilised" and causing symptoms - but as far as i can determine from reading into it - this is a theoretical idea postulated to try to explain the things we patients experience - but i have seen v little scientific study on the matter to support it.
i'm not knocking it - or saying that its not a sign its working – its certainly a sign its doing something and am fully supporting you – just that we don’t really know what the symptom flares mean yet. in fact i would indeed like to try cholestyramine myself as a therapeutic trial - and would do if i could find a source -
I understand. And yes, I think it would be a good idea to do a therapeutic trail!
Garzie said...
you mention Cholestyramine was inexpensive - can i ask where you were able to get it ( i am not working with a LLMD - they are generally few and poor in the UK)
It was Cignet who said it was inexpensive, so I'm not sure if I can help because I'm getting it from my general practitioner. However, before my GP prescribed it, I was trying to find a source and did find one who sells it for $5 per sachet including shipping. I never asked how much the sachet itself is but I can ask for you if you'd like? Because if it's something along the lines of $1 per sachet and $4 shipping, then it wouldn't be so expensive (relatively speaking) to get more sachets (given that you only pay for shipping once). I'm currently using 90 sachets per month.
Garzie said...
Each new test I do I tend to go into with high hopes of clear answers – then the reality of the results is often very grey. So if I ask myself - if a get a test back that is kind a moderately positive - but not dramatically so ( perhaps the most likely outcome) - what does it mean – am I suffering a mold illness? - or is this just what many in the population would have if they are tested and they are doing just fine ….
That’s why I was interested in other ways to corroborate a mold illness diagnosis – but so far these all seem equally grey. My partner also seems to have made a near complete recovery while we continue to live in the same house.
fingers crossed for you over the next few weeks for positive signs
I totally understand what you mean. I constantly got my hopes up for test results before I got diagnosed with Lyme, only to be let down with result that didn't really mean anything. I think what you said about
doing a therapeutic trial might make more sense.
Thank you again.
WalkingByFaith said...
Glad you were able to take Cholestyramine. I am amazed you’ve taken full doses 4x day.
Thank you WBF! I appreciate it. Sorry you nearly killed yourself with CSM, that must have been awful. I hope you're doing better now
Girlie said...
If you lightly scratch them - do they come off?
Hey Girlie! Well, about
20% of the red spots are gritty. And some of those do come off when I scratch them. The remaining 80% doesn't come of nor is gritty. Let me know if you have any more questions. Hope you're doing well!