running wild said...
This is something I've wrestled with for some time. Maybe not racing thoughts but the anxiety/depression, especially in the morning for anxiety. For several years I've mentioned how at 7 or 8 am each morning, it's like an alarm clock going off but in my body. It wakes me up. That is followed by depression, and there have been many post over the years with same happenings.
The usual answer is it is Bart, which I'm not arguing. But I just am not sure because of lack of reaction to meds or herbs for Bart. And your point about mold and yeast is a good one. Dropping more antibiotics on yeast seems like it's feeding the fire. you treat one and flare another, only you're not even sure if you are treating the right problem.]
Other side of this is I've gone through same scenario a good number of times and have gotten better for a while. Will look back in journals to see what was done to help with that. How about your stomach? Any discomfort already as that is what seems to ratchet things up here with anxiety and symptoms you mentioned.
As for my stomach I ended up cutting carbs like pasta, potatoes, bread, cakes, sugar due to yeast. My stomach does burn a lot like its on fire (bart) I was told because I dnt have and never had ulcers or gastritis.