@ Rainy - i don't think many have tried it Rainy - i think it may be a little hard to get a hold of - so i like you have only read a few isolated reports - one seemed v positive from memory - but was used in combination with other bart drugs if i remember correctly.
@ Blondie - i use ivermectin 1 standard dose per week in pill form - this was what i distilled down from most of the sources using it in lyme for immune benefits.
LDN is low dose naltrexone -as opposed to normal dose naltrexone used for alcohol addiction - in low dose form it is a very unusual medication with very interesting properties that has been shown to be useful in many immune and auto-immune conditions.
more information here
https://ldnresearchtrust.org/what-is-low-dose-naltrexone-ldnif you are interested in trying it please do not approach it as a standard medication - people with lyme or complex chronic conditions need to approach it cautiously, often with very low doses ( much lower than general recommendations for LDN) and very gradual increases - otherwise the reactions can be very strong. Many people get it prescribed at 1.5mg and react strongly and fail before they have given it a chance.