hi Rainy
i will copy and paste what i have posted on how i make LDN below
i make my own "compounded LDN" liquid as follows - its is very inexpensive
50mg tablets from trusted sources like buy-pharma.md, alldaychemist, goldpharma
dissolve 1 tablet in 50ml of water ( or water and 25% alcohol if you want it to keep longer)
dose with a 1ml graduated syringe - 1ml = 1mg
this way you can accurately dose any amount from 0.02mg up to 5mg easily
note - i had to work my way up very very slowly over 18montsh to my current 3.4mg as i also have strong reactions to it - but acc to LDN research trust - that is often a sign you will have good results
if its working for you its a sign that immune system dysregulation is a big factor for you
so if it were me i would do similar with melatonin
all the other ingredients are either flavouring agents or preservatives
when i was looking for info on the biological degradation of LDN i could not find anything specific - and dosing of LDN in the ramp up phase is very critical - so to be on the safe side i included 25% ethanol in my mixture - as anything above around 22% ethanol will prevent biological action - eg from microorganisms growing in the mix over a couple of weeks - which is about
how long my batch would last.
since melatonin is a biological molecule would guess microorganisms can break it down - but it might be OK to keep a batch without preservative for around 1 week or so in the fridge
so my approach would be to first work out how much liquid is easy for you to measure out
eg 3 to 5ml seems like an easy to handle number with a syringe
then make up a solution of suitable concentration that would deliver your chosen dose in that volume range
1mg per ml seems ideal
that would give you a daily dose of 3.3ml at your chosen 3.3mg per day
then decide how much to mix per batch
so say 50ml - which would be enough for 50/3.3 = 15 doses
so add 50miligrams per 50ml of water (i weigh the water too for accuracy as its density is v v close to 1g per ml)
then dose 3.3ml per day as required until you either run out or feel its wise to throw out the remainder ( i dont generally like waste - but you have plenty - and are not using a preservative - so its probably teh lesser of the evils )
50mg can be a little hard to measure so you might find you need to mix 100mg and 100ml per batch - depending on your scale
but you would still have enough melatonin for 10g / 0.1 x 7days = 700 days if you threw out the remainder after 1 week
alternately use 25% alcohol solution for the liquid - and it will keep much longer - your daily dose of alcohol would d be around 0.25x3.3 - so 0.82ml - so about
a 12th of a unit of alcohol or les than that in a ripe piece of fruit or a slice of bread