Hi All,
I am so happy that I found this website. I am a regular at the Ulcerative Colitis board but felt the need to post about my migraines.
I have major problems with my neck, shoulders, and back of my head due to poor alignment, lack of sleep, poor posture during awake times as well as sleep.
I have been using Fiorcet for years. I have started taking them since I was 15 years old.
I am wondering if it is possible to become addicted to it? For the past three weeks, I wake up with dull headaches and feel the need to take the medication on top of everything else I take for my stomach problem.
Just would like some feedback from others who are taking this medication. Can it cause any long term side effects?
Someone said on the board that the medication masks the pain, which is true. I usually get a "good feeling" after taking it but it returns hours later.
I do go to the chiropractor on a regular basis and we discussed my poor posture, etc. He said having tight muscles in the back of your head as well as neck area can cause tension and migraine headaches. I do not necessarily get the lights, massive nausea, or need to be in a dark and quiet room.
Any feedback? Thanks!