Just joined the forum and sending out a cyberwave. I've struggled with migraines for about
12 years. I had a bad bout with them about
two years ago and my dr put me on verapimil, cheap and worked well for about
a year and a half. I went from having a headache for 26-27 days a month to maybe 5 days a month, and for those I had vicodin. Then I developed a bad sensitivity to the vicodin, also to percoset.
Then the verapimil stopped working and for the last three months I've struggled a lot. I've been back to my doctor and she's been bouncing me from med to med. Had a clear CT, nothing there. Tried a beta blocker--that bottomed out my bp and did nothing for the headaches. Seriously, I could be entertained by staring at a blank wall. Then tried nortriptyline and that turned me into a zombie which did nothing for my teaching job. She gave me a scrip for topomax and I've been researching it for about
two weeks, very hesitant to shell out the $50 and risk the side effects. I'm a Spanish teacher and I need my language ability. I finally filled it last night and took the first 100mg last night. I'll admit it's been weird. As far as my head, I feel okay today, but a little woozy. I actually woke my husband up last night quoting verses from the Bible. LOL. Been dizzy today; he drove me to school. And I have some tingling in my hands. I'm committed to see it through the month, at least, if I can stand it.
I'm also trying foods. I tried a week w/o chocolate, no result. Next week w/o cheese, no result. I'm going to try a rotation diet, but I'm taking a trip out of the country soon and don't want to be messing with it then, so I plan to start after that, approximately the second week of April.
So anyway, that's my story and I wanted to find a place where I could bounce ideas and post results and find out what other people were trying.