Looks like a dead thread but had to post for future readers:
My story is almost identical to yours; headaches daily for three years. Have been increasing in frequency recently and getting more severe. I too wake every morning with that pressure feeling in my skull right in the forehead, Furthermore the Alieve I take every morning for the last 3 years is becoming less effective. (i have also been rotating between advil and tylenol) I have done everything under the sun: two neurologists, one MRI, blood testing, allergy testing and treatment, vision testing, acupuncture, massage every week for months, chiropractor for a year, homeopothy, quitting coffee, eliminating gluten in diet, vitamin D and B12, ect.
The neroulogist I just saw believes I have rebound headaches and has put me on a prednisone taper as well as high blood pressure medication (used as a preventative for headaches). The predinisone is to help me detox. It's the first day and let me tell you...it sucks. Like blurry vision and nausea sucks...
Just to note I already tried anti-depressants and anti-seizure as a preventative but I never quit the Alieve, ibuprofen, or tylenol I was taking daily...
This being the first day of this new detox I will be sure to report back at the end of the taper as to if it helped.
By the way, when nothing else helps Sumitriptan works for me.