i'm a 41 year old female at her wits end,
I have had migraines for 20 yrs
I have been diognised with Migraine again but this feels like no other migraine i have ever had. it started about 2 years ago with numbness in my face and neck and pins and needles in my arms and legs. no pain in my head. this would last up to a week i was given pritzone 1-5 to try and it was ok for for a short while
I now have double vision not like an Aura you normally associate with migraine, sore neck and head numbness in face with freezing skin on numb area I get so confused and have difficulty thinking and forming sentences,I have fainted a few times (usually when id move or get up quickly)I have developed severe cramp in left leg when im having an attack. I have gone from a happy go lucky person till a horrible nasty grouch who no one wants to be around or a tearful wreck, this has been going on since november Im lucky if i get 24hrs without an attack.
my doctors been brilliant and keep trying different meds to control the migraines but nothing works. now im off work as i cant cope anymore with the pain
i have been referred to a neouroligist and I am waiting on an appointment any suggestions