Thank you!!!!!!! I just say whatever comes to mind
I know exactly what you mean tho..sometimes I see pictures of myself and shake my head thinking 'that's not me...'
I attribute a lot to pain, but some to being married and have a baby...its all such a change (and it has all been VERY hard on my body and self esteem quite honestly)
Random story: my ex boyfriend (of 8 years ago) was over the other day (he is a good friend of mine-just not someone I was supposed to "be with") we were sitting on the couch with baby talking and I finally winced in pain and mentioned how bad it was. He said, "Are you serious? I never would have known...I don't know HOW you do it" as his face turns serious and he shakes his head.
It was a very brief moment of letting the veil down so he could REALLY see what I was feeling. It was nice to see his appreciation and understanding for what I deal with. I just got to the point a long time ago where I put on my HAPPY FACE and pretend like all is good around other people. They dont want to hear "My head hurts" every five minutes and they don't know what to say--so they never say the right thing. ha ha...I just figured this was was easier.
I am generally optimistic as well..but we do get to our breaking point where things crash down and we have to "regroup" and figure it all out again. You are more than entitled to that!
Glad to see you around here too!!!